Customers must fill out an application for service. Download an application below:


Sole Proprietors


Note: Application must be signed in person at the PEC office to verify the identification of the applicant.

Customers must have a 911 address. These can be obtained by calling 423.346.0911 in Morgan County or 423.663.4986 in Scott County.

The State of Tennessee requires an application for groundwater protection services. These can be obtained at the appropriate county health departments (423.663.2445 in Scott County; 423.346.6272 in Morgan County). The original must be turned in to the PEC office in Scott or Morgan County.

Prior to Staking Engineer On-Site Visit

Houses, garages or barns, footers must be dug and poured.

For manufactured/mobile homes, the home must be on site.

By state law, a septic system or sewer hook-up is required.

MORGAN COUNTY ONLY: If construction is in Morgan County, a building permit is required. This includes houses, mobile homes, barns, garages, campers and oil wells. The permit can be obtained at the Morgan County Tax Assessor’s Office, 423.346.3130, located in the Morgan County Courthouse.


A Contribution-in-aid-of-Construction will be determined by the staking engineer. Additionally, member must provide and clear initial 30 ft. of right-of-way from ground to sky including any rights-of-way required on neighboring properties. PEC’s staking engineer will define the location of the right-of-way after written easements have been obtained.

All of the above must be completed, including any estimates paid, prior to any construction commencing.

Always look up before choosing a building site to make sure you are not under electric lines and check the location of the nearest electric lines.


Call either the Morgan County or Scott County office when ready for inspection. To be sure that you get on the inspection list, call the day before inspection. The inspector’s schedule is subject to change without notice. On the day of the inspection you need to make sure everything is unlocked so that the inspector is able to get inside.

For more information on new service requirements, please read the following documents:

» Morgan County Requirements
» Scott County Requirements

State electrical inspection fees:

Temporary (200 amp) — $35.00
Rough In — $35.00
Final (200 amp) — $35.00
Heat/Air — $35.00
Service Release (200 amp) — $35.00
Issuing Agent Fee — $3.00
(Fees may change based on service [amp] size.)

All mobile homes are required to have an anchoring decal inside the breaker box at the time of inspection. Certified movers have the license to do this.

Request For Service At An Existing Dwelling

When applying for a meter, customers must provide the following information at least one day prior to the day the meter is to be turned:

• Membership and deposit are $200.00 to obtain service for rental property. For home owners, the membership and deposit are $200.00. Additional meters are $200.00 each.

• Copy of driver’s license

• Completed membership application

• Proof of eligibility to establish service at said 911 address by one of the following: rent receipt, lease agreement, deed, financial documents, etc.

• 911 address where the meter is to be turned on.

• Mailing address if different from 911 service address.

• Date member wants the meter turned on.

• Daytime telephone number.

If you have questions, please call 423.346.3699 in Morgan County or 423.569.8591 in Scott County.

Reconnection Fees & Policy

• If your electricity has been disconnected because of non-payment of a past due bill, the past due balance must be paid in full before your service can be restored.

• PEC does not guarantee same-day reconnection service (regardless of the time payment is received). Upon receiving payment, service may not be restored until the next business day.

• If power is disconnected, a $30 collection fee and $35 reconnection fee will be required before service is restored. An additional deposit may be required.

• If power is reconnected after hours, a $110 fee is required.