The Tennessee Valley Authority board has decided to extend the 2.5% Pandemic Relief Credit for another year and has rename it the Pandemic Recovery Credit.  Plateau Electric Cooperative will, for the second year in a row, pass through 100% of the over $400,000 credit to our members.  Many other power distributors have decided to keep all or some of the credit for operational purposes, but PEC is passing 100% of the credit to our membership in the form of savings on kilowatt hour rates.

Beginning October 1, 2021 thru September 2022, all TVA wholesale customers will receive a 2.5% credit on non-fuel power cost.  “TVA was created to benefit the public good and has continued to build on that clear mission,” says Jeff Lyash, TVA president and CEO.  “Our financial results remain strong and we are in a good position to do the right thing for our customers, providing people with the help they need when they need it most, while we continue to deliver on our mission of service.”

“This is a savings that PEC will share with our members”, said Dave Cross, PEC CEO.  “With everything that has happened over the last year, we want to assist our members as much as possible and share this credit in the form of reduced rates.  This will be a tremendous help to our membership and goes along with our cooperative principles of concern for the community.”